Homepage - Manufacture and construction of steel structures world wide. REID steel have built many airplane hangars with our own doors, terminal buildings, car parks, bridges etc over the years. Click here for more information Aircraft hangar sales by REIDsteel. Design, construction, fabrication and manufacture of steel framed buildings, metal buildings, hangars, hangar doors, terminals, air cargo and warehouse, car parks, control towers and other structures for the aero space industry.    
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Monarch Aircraft Engineering, Manchester Airport

Photo taken from back wall of the Monarch Aircraft Engineering Hangar, showing one of Monarch's aeroplanes. The translucent sheeting in the roof allows the hangar to be lit with natural lighting.Hangar mit einer freitragenden Spannweite von 85m, der von Monarch Aircraft Engineering am Manchester International Airport zur Wartung von Flugzeugen bis Jumbo-Größe verwendet wird.


One of two hangars for Monarch Engineering built by REID steel (structural engineers). This photo taken at night shows up the inside of the hangar, the roof structure and wall bracing is clearly shown.Monarch hangar, showing hangar door with outrigger, monarch airplane, and apronEntwurf, Herstellung, Verkleidung und Erstellung der kompletten Struktur einschließlich der elektrisch betätigten Türen und des zweistöckigen Bürogebäudes an der Seite wurde von uns ausgeführt, genau so wie die Herstellung und das Einsetzen der doppeltverglasten Aluminiumfenster in den Büros und den Haupttüren.


Während der Bauphase:

Site layout and the start of the on-site erection of Monarch's REIDsteel hangar at Manchester International Airport    Gable end has been erected and work has started on the first bay    Hanger starts to take form as the first few bays are constructed   

Heavy snow around the steelwork makes a nice photo, but slows down the hanger assembly    Construction of the outrigger for the hanger door. The Hangar Door was designed by REID steel. For hangar door sales please contact us.    Sheeting almost complete and job almost done    The finished hangar - Monarch Aircraft Engineering, Manchester Airport UK


REIDsteel hat für Monarch ebenfalls einen Hangar am Luton Airport gebaut.

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